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By Fruity Scotty May 13, 2020 in Current Giveaways
Stuewilson £589
May 13
May 15
May 14
May 16
Radstockben 3 posts
crazyfrog67 3 posts
Fruity Scotty 3 posts
Fatles 2 posts
May 13 2020
108 posts
May 15 2020
51 posts
May 14 2020
37 posts
May 16 2020
26 posts
May 13, 2020
Ballbags, I didn’t get in. in that case I am going to cheer on my fellow west countryman, Radstockben. £36 in his shocker of a final pick.
Radstockben 95
Radstockben £19000 (wildline)
terlouise3 1457
Lukejcarter97 £569
shadowsss01 £2189
Johnwat555 - £365
Crazyman1979 545e
No Deal to win £670
Radstock £452
Sadio money £500
Harry2 £566
@Kadiecj £534
sophb97 = 632
bonus hunter 678
Kadiecj £934
Santha arpad attilla £265
Alljohn73 £475.00
wallzballz = £329
Lavy30 to win 350
Jamie bwx £345
Mattyyates £652
Wallzballz - £425
Stu Wilson £581 win
kadiecj £748
lukejcarter97 £796
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